I see Swiss-looking meadows across the ravines, Mt. Hood to my left, butterflies and orangey Indian paintbrush, and gnarly raggedy spritely tangles of wildflowers all around. There's a stiff sun, a snag of a tree, and not a person in sight.Writing + hiking = wriking. This is yet another way to feed my creativity. I flourish like that wildflower that comes in so many colors.
The air holds the scent of bug spray, and an enormous black, bulbous horsefly which is stalking us. We have trail mix to munch. My ponytail falls softly in the hollow between my shoulderblades.
What inspires you? Make a list. Combine these activities with writing, and call them Gardeniting, or Wricooking, or Going Shoppiting. Schedule to do one thing on your list within the next seven days.
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