A Bit of Chalk

A broken alarm clock, a coffee cup, a scab on the knee. These are some of the details I used to show a child's quietly disturbed world in my story, "We Do What We Can Do," in this month's issue of Colored Chalk.

The hub of the story is a scene from my childhood, walking late into school, feeling so small while the teachers on their coffee break eyed me with detached interest.

Were you ever the center of attention, in a negative way? There's a story for you to write.


  1. "We Do What We Can Do" is such a fine story, full in its brevity. I enjoyed it very much.

  2. dropped by via perfectlycursedlife's bloggy award list and wanted to at least leave a bit of a comment. :)

  3. Absolutely brillant. The perfection of showing, not telling. So subtle it screams. You are a wonderful writer.


Thanks for your comment! I love feedback.