I have this image of the poet, humble and big-hearted, holding up the package and smiling as he tucks it under his arm and trudges forward. What might the package be? What will he do with it?
Assured there are no mistakes in the world, he will open the package to a size four dress or a tinker toy house or a fondue pot and graciously and reverently bring it home and find a use for it, or even put it on display. This is what it means to live a creative life: taking what comes and exploring the beauty of it.
How would it be, if every time we received a thing, we cherished and made a place for it - even if it wasn't what we had in mind?
Look among your Christmas gifts for something you weren't excited about. Write what you can do with what you received. Create a story featuring that object. Consider keeping it forever.
What an absolutely amazing thought! I have never seen it framed quite that way before but I have always known it's true. It is so very important to cherish each gift, to be absolutely sure there is no mistake, that whatever the gift you are given, it is meant for you. Thanks, Christi, for your persistent encouragement!