I lead writing and creativity groups four times a week. I speak before rooms full of strangers. I'm saturated in social networks. But I can be absolutely tongue-tied at a party. And on days off I avoid human contact.
Being around people can be an exhausting enterprise for introverts.*
I've met many writers and creatives who live with this dichotomy. These are the folks I had in mind when I wrote "A Moth's Guide to Schmoozing," published in Writer's Digest.
My point being: even if you are not a social butterfly, you can reach out to folks. It takes the finesse of knowing and caring for yourself.
The first step in optimizing your own temperament is to accept yourself. When you accept how you operate, you can engineer your activities in a way that empowers you.
So, yes, I take those days off and become invisible. After social events, I schedule quiet times.
So go ahead, send me an email. Look me up on Facebook. I can't say I'll call you my good friend if you're really not, but at least we're doing our part to let the world know we're here.
Flit, flit. That's the sound of my wings, fluttering out into the unknown.
(*Or maybe we just need those Powder Milk Biscuits Garrison Keillor talks about on The Prairie Home Companion, that show "brought to you by Powder Milk Biscuits in the big blue box. Made from whole wheat to give shy persons the strength to get up and do what needs to be done.")
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