In Other Words

“The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.”--Plutarch

"Christi Krug maintains a bright presence at Kindling. With writing prompts, her own jumpstarts, and quotes and poems and videos by her favorite create-ers, this is a place filled with promise. If your sensibilities run to the counter-culture and dark humor, you’ll love the video 'Puppet Panic' – if not, scroll on by, and just enjoy the fairy wings and lightness of being!" --from Artella's Linklatte, August 8

"Thank you for taking the time to write a blog. Your words, thoughts and 'cute' sketches are powerful and encouraging." --an affirming reader

"I love your blog! I usually don't like blogs." --an excited visitor

"Yes, put that in your blog!"--a friend

"One thing I will never do, is write a blog."
--Christi Krug, 2007

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